Fialový pulóver K124
Pulóver dvojfarebný fialová/lila 34/36
10,05 EUR
Pulóver v dvojfarebnom color block prevedení je tým pravým! V širšom strihu. Na dotyk kašmírový. Možnosť prať v práčke. Okrúhly výstrih. Dlhé rukáv...
Women's set K124 white
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 black
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 red
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 mustard
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Džersejový pulóver s výstrihom do "V" fialová 38/40
10,50 EUR
Jemný a mäkký džersejový pulóver sa neskutočne príjemne nosí! Z mäkkého úpletu. Ženský výstrih do "V". Zvesené ramená. Vrúbkované konce rukávov a s...
Women's set K124 light beige
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 ecru
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 powdered pink
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 dark purple
17,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 light purple
17,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Prsteň z chirurgickej ocele - kvetinový motív K12.4
17,50 EUR
Oceľový prsteň zaujímavého tvaru s čírymi zirkónmi.
Women's set K124 dark gray
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 powdered pink
17,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Women's set K124 dark beige
16,99 EUR
We offer you a warm set consisting of a hat and a chimney. The cap is lined with fleece and has a pompon. The set is distinguished by an attractive...
Blancheporte Žakárový pulóver s motívom hviezd fialová 50
15,99 EUR
Originálny žakár, pohodlný voľný strih a úplet kašmírový na dotyk: tento pulóver Vám vyčarí úsmev na tvári! Okrúhly výstrih. Dlhé rukávy. Zvesené r...
Fialový kardigán I309
38,49 EUR
Elegantný kardigán skvelo doplní jednoduchú blúzku či jednofarebné tričko. Navyše sa v ňom budete cítiť pohodlne a ostanete v tepľúčku.